Archives for the month of: April, 2014


A group from Liberty in North Korea , an organization that helps North Korean refugees resettle in the United States and South Korea, has been touring the southeast US for the past ten or so weeks, giving presentations on the way their organization works and what the people in North Korea are doing themselves to subvert the Kim regime. While in Georgia, they visited several schools and churches, but I don’t think they stopped at too many places like WonderRoot Community Arts Center. They really seemed to love the place as much I do and the WonderRoot members who caught their presentation all appeared touched by these people’s dedication to help the North Korean people. Everybody was impressed with their van. In addition to arranging for them to visit the arts center, my wife and I hosted these traveling activists in our home. We prepared Sichuan Hot Pot, which as always was very delicious.


In this picture: (Clockwise starting at 12 o’clock) Harley Quinn glass, lotus root, cucumber, wintermelon, thinly sliced beef, ground beef with cilantro (for yuanzi), pork tenderloin, fake crab meat, spring onion, cilantro, garlic, oyster sauce, sesame oil, golden needle mushrooms, oyster mushrooms. (in the middle) the hot pot, split in two- one for vegetarians and people who don’t love spicy food and one real hot pot.

They were excellent guests and left in the morning. We sent them off with a watermelon, a roll of toilet paper (when outsiders come to Georgia in the spring, their sinuses all be blowing up and shit), and two panda portraits off my wall (beauty with cheetah and paranoid cherub on the piano). Now there are two empty spots on my wall. I will probably fill one of them up with this portrait of the three traveling activists:


In this picture: (left to right) Bernadette, Brian, Yoona


Still drawing inspiration from parades, appliances, flowers, disease, and mutilation… I don’t think I’m going to color it. You’re welcome to color it if you want. Maybe you could give it to your kids to color. I’d be curious to find out what colors people used for the liquid coming from the organic creatures. The color of leaking fluids could really shake up the narrative of the image. It’s all so infinite right now, but that possum’s eyes could be leaking yellow pus, royally blue blood, serfishly red blood, golden olive oil, watery brown mystery juice, or just enough mercury to fill six old school thermometers. It just takes a dream and the will to dream it.